
Archive for January 21st, 2023

Rom 10.17 +

Rom 10.17

“So then faith [cometh] by hearing

& hearing by the word of God.”

“Gipsy Smith saw the difference between repentance & conversion

like the difference between awaking in the morning & getting up.”

– Andrew W Blackwood

HOBBY #4. Practical con’t. You like to walk. Fine. Let that walk include pushing a wheel chair 1 or 2 days a week. Go to a nursing home, push some guy/gal as you walk in the park. Or walk a child or disabled adult for a family who’s too busy to handle all on their plate. Come summer mow the lawn of a poor widow (that’s walking – if you push her old mower). Think. There may be several other ways you can practice a hobby that will bless others AND refresh you as well. Pray about it. – Jan 2023

“God’s forgiveness is full;

it is free, it is forever.”

– Andrew W Blackwood


What would you pay to be

On the Top Level for Eternity?

A million? Two? These will not do.

The Lord wants You – ALL of you!

– eab,  1/21/19  

eab is a student of geography. The Bible names at least 10 countries (or geographical “people names”) *ASIA* 1.] Arabians (Act 2.11)  2.] Asia (Act 2.9)  3.] Cappadocia (part of Turkey Act 2.9)  4.] China (Sinim Isa 49.12)  5.] India (Est 1.1) 6.] Iran (Persia Eze 38.5) 7.] Judaea (Act 2.9)  8.] Lebanon (Deu 1.7)  9.] Mesopotamia (Iraq Act 2.9)  10.] Syria (Jud 10.6). *EUROPE* 1.] Cretes (Act 2.11)  2.] Cyprus (Act 4.36)  3.] Greece (Zec 9.13)  4.] Italy (Act 18.2)  5.] Rome (Act 2.10)  6.] Spain (Rom 15.24) *AFRICA* 1.] Egypt (Gen 12.10)  2.] Ethiopia (Eze 38.5)  3.] Libya (Eze 38.5). – 1/9/23

“…Whom shall I wed? A daughter of the King or a child of the world?

…choose well! Your choice is brief yet endless.”

– Andrew W Blackwood

SIDE TRACKED? [C.] “Well, I don’t want to agree with you (don’t want to be a right-winger) but I’ll ask, ‘What should we do?’” 1.) The first part to getting back into God Main Track is to realize you’ve been sidetracked. Come back to praying – I speak not of memorized ditties, I speak not of words (or tone of voice) which “sound” religious. (You’ve been pretending – its time to get real.) Beg God to give you time to get back before you die. 2.) Once you see you’re sidetracked STOP.  Stop every sin. – 1/17/23 

Pro 8.36

“But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul

all they that hate me love death.”

HELL [C.] Acronym? *H. Hot – more hot than you want to be – & this without one cooling breeze or drink of water. *E. Eternal damnation (if you draw a distinction between “hell” & “lake of fire” please allow both under this heading). *L. Looking up at what was missed (rich man in hell could see “…Abraham…& Lazarus” Luk 16.23). *L. Locked away. Many an earthly prisoner has escaped. Even those who never, probably entertained that hope; or hope for a pardon. Damnation is forever. – 1/18/23 

“…The average preacher seems to know

more about sin than about holiness.”

– Andrew W Blackwood

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