
Posts Tagged ‘Gen 4.1a-2a +’

Gen 4.1a-2a +

Gen 4.1a-2a

“Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain…

“And she again bare his brother Abel…”


God did a fantabulous creative act when He made man be able to be a father. As a boy growing up we learn about God looking up to Dad, we love him, obey him & imitate him. But we also learn about God as we (as fathers) look down at son, watch him grow, & teach him how to do this/that. And we help our son, but not too much. God was Sooo wise in making this unique relationship – in time – a tiny reflection of eternity.

– eab, 8/25/18


“The west is interested in independence.

If there’s anything sin will take away from us its true independence.”

– Wallace Thornton, Jr, sermon 1/28/18


Psa 97.4 His lightnings enlightened the WORLD: the EARTH saw, and trembled. Earth&World

– think. #12


Which art

There are prayers from the heart

There are prayers from the head.

There are prayers half alive

And prayers that are all dead.

There are even prayers read

(To please the humans that hear).

But the best prayers include “Which art”

Intended only for God’s ear.

– eab, Aug. ‘89


Psa 5.8

“Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness…

make thy way straight before my face.”


How absolutely wonderful to know God knows what we should do next. Whether we’re contemplating more formal education, considering finding a godly wife, looking at changing careers, coming to grips with a painful move, or collecting “our wits” after a shocking life-blow. If you’re His child (via Calvary’s grace) then He is Father. Many times human fathers know a better way – our heavenly Father knows what is Best!

– eab, 8/26/18


“Nothing is a hardship to Love…” (large L is Drummond’s)

– Henry Drummond, /Greatest Thing in the World/


Are you a mom/dad or both who Home Schools? May the Greatest Teacher, the Master Teacher of all time & place non-other than Jesus Christ, bless your efforts. You do not have an easy job but it’s a very important one. Look daily to Heaven & count on God’s help for, in reality, you are in league with God in trying to save your child: save them from this “…untoward generation”(Act 2.40) & save them to be sons/daughters of the Kingdom, eternally. Blessings!- eab, 8/26/18

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