
Posts Tagged ‘German Schools and Universities’

…Catholic education, the most important area of advantage to the Church in the treaty…Hitler was to protect and underwrite the cost of educating Catholic pupils and students in every kind of institution …  

                – John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope (NY,NY: Penguin Books, 1999), 153.


…the Nazi government…passed with much trumpeting, its Law Against Over-crowding of German Schools and Universities, aimed at reducing the number of Jewish pupils…

                – John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope (NY,NY: Penguin Books, 1999), 153.


“The very fact of making such distinctions betrayed, of course, Pacelli’s diplomatic collusion with the overall anti-Semitic policy of the Reich.”

                – John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope (NY,NY: Penguin Books, 1999), 159.


…Nazi flags mingled with traditional Catholic banners… 

                – John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope (NY,NY: Penguin Books, 1999), 159.


Pacelli’s approach proclaimed that the Holy See was prepared to acknowledge Hitler’s Reich, whatever its offences against human rights, whatever its offences against other confessions, and other faiths, provided that the Catholic Church in Germany was left in peace.

                – John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope (NY,NY: Penguin Books, 1999), 161.

 Adolf Hitler concluded Concordat with the Roman Catholic Church, this date, 7/20/1933.

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