
Posts Tagged ‘Daniel got to learn Indian ways’

An Englishman named George Boone on this date, 10/10/1717, arrived with his family at Philadelphia, PA.  They were Quakers (Society of Friends) arriving at the “capital” of American “Quakerism.”  They had departed from England (Devon) on August 17th

His son, Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan’s marriage was “decently accomplished” by Quaker ceremony the seventh month, twenty-third day in 1720 (7/23/1720).  Their sixth son, Daniel, was the famous “Daniel Boone,” born 11/2/1734. 

Daniel was so successive in understanding Indians because of his grandparents and parents’ Quaker faith.  Friends (Quakers) treated Indians fairly and traded with them and thus Daniel got to learn Indian ways from peaceful Pennsylvania Red men.

It is sadly true that Daniel killed his share of Indians but sources will show that he did not enjoy this carnage and that he also saved Indian life.  This all started 10/10/1717 – ought to be easy to remember 10, 10, 17, 17.

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