
Posts Tagged ‘famous and trustworthy work’

“Learning I love, – learned men I prize, – with the company of the great and good I am often delighted; but, infinitely above all these and all other possible enjoyments, I glory in Christ, – in me living and reigning, and fitting me to his heaven.” 

                – Quoted from a letter to Mr. Drew, Clarke’s Christian Theology, with life of the author, by Samuel Dunn,                                     from a 1967 Schmul reprint.

 Adam Clarke died this date, 8/26/1832 * in London, England.  He was a Methodist clergyman, scholar and the author of an eight volume commentary on the Bible.  Clarke’s years from 1810 to 1826 were spent producing this famous and trustworthy work.

He was born in Moybeg (near Colerain) Ireland in 1760 (his Scottish mother said), 1763 (his “English” father said).  His diplomas include A. M. and LL. D. from the University and Kings College, Aberdeen.

* at least two other days in August are also given (16th & 28th)

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